Resolving traumatic reactions

Upset by memories?

These techniques may help you.

Disclaimer: The self-help techniques described on these pages may provide you with some ways to calm down stress, anxiety, and other emotions. However, they are not treatments or prescriptions for any medical or mental-health problem, nor a substitute for regular medical or psychological care. If you have a medical or psychological condition, please consult your doctor or other appropriate licensed health practitioner. Using these materials does not constitute a professional relationship between the viewer and the presenter or ACEP. ACEP disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of any videos or instructions posted by ACEP or any of its affiliates, which are provided as-is and without warranties. We hope these materials are helpful to you.

Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT)​

Developed by Peaceful Heart Network

  1. Connect lightly with upset
  2. Tap points 1-14
  3. Breathe deeply twice
  4. Repeat as needed
  5. Notice any changes, appreciate them
Download Instructions
A black and white drawing of a woman 's face and chest.

Easy Thought Field Therapy (TFT​)

Developed by Roger Callahan Thought Field Therapy Adapted by Suzanne Connolly, LCSW

  1. Tap Eyebrow Point 5-10X
  2. Tap Under the Eye Point
  3. Tap Under the Arm Point
  4. Tap Collarbone Point
  5. Follow along with video's additional points
Download Instructions
A diagram of a woman 's body showing the collarbone point

Simple Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)​

Adapted from Emotional Freedom Technique developed by Gary Craig:

Follow along with video

Download Instructions
A black and white drawing of a man 's face and body

Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT)​ with a Partner

Developed by Peaceful Heart Network

  1. Connect lightly with upset
  2. Tap points 1-14
  3. Breathe deeply twice
  4. Repeat as needed
  5. Notice any changes, appreciate them
Download Instructions
A black and white drawing of a woman 's face and chest.
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