Resources for Resilience

Have you or your community experienced an upsetting event?

If you are distressed by the COVID-19 Pandemic or other stressors, the simple exercises below may_help.

Click on the box that best matches how you are feeling to try calming exercises:

Click on the button that best matches how you are feeling to try calming exercises:

Scared, Anxious Frozen, Shocked, Exhausted Angry, Racing Thoughts Confused, Clumsy Upset by Memories

During Times of Crisis …

During times of crisis, we experience emotional distress and trauma in our minds and bodies that we cannot calm down. When we involve both our bodies and minds we are better able to calm down, release trauma and distress, and find our balance. These tools may help you find your equilibrium and deal with some of the effects of interpersonal violence, accidents, natural disasters,  and war.

What is Resources for Resilience?

Resources for Resilience (R4R) is a project of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology's Humanitarian Committee. Members from all over the world volunteer their time to meet R4R’s mission and provide free access to self-help techniques that can help you recover more quickly and easily from stressful events.

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